and the heaven blesseth it; ill works shake and tremble at it, and with it is no unrighteous thing." "The Election in November" by James Russell Lowell, The Atlantic Monthly; October, 1860.
Watch to see how the states voted in every presidential election since 1860. Produced by Alex Kuzoian Follow BI Video: On Facebook More from Politics The citizens of the United States have elected ...
Author Ed Achorn will discuss his latest book, "The Lincoln Miracle," at 3 p.m. on April 6 at the Sudbury Grange.
Democratic Party History. The Democratic party is the oldest existing political party in America. Democrats have won 19 of 42 presidential elections since the party first ran a pr ...
4:1 — The ratio of people who attended church weekly to those who voted in the 1860 election 2.5 — Approximate percentage of the American population that died in the Civil War 7 million ...
Watch to see how the states voted in every presidential election since 1860. Produced by Alex Kuzoian Follow BI Video: On Facebook More from Politics The citizens of the United States have elected ...