Asked about the mess, T Abraham, commissioner of technical ... squalor and ruin all around this boys' hostel have to be seen to be believed. The 60-room hostel at Central Polytechnic College ...
Refuse to have lunch at hostel mess, say facility has turned into a pile of garbage, making it impossible to dine there ...
A dispute over the quality of chapatis served in the boys' hostel mess at Central University of Karnataka (CUK) escalated ...
Meanwhile, hostel caretaker Lokesh Sharma said the boy lived in the hostel with three of his cousins. All four of them cooked and ate noodles in Shankar's room late Monday night. He was strolling ...
BERHAMPUR: Tension flared up at Anwesha boys’ hostel in Gunupur town on Sunday as parents and locals raised a hue and cry demanding strict action against the students who reportedly assaulted ...
Data obtained by TNIE from KU revealed that 4,035 students are enrolled in 32 courses and are accommodated in 19 hostels. Currently, 1,000 boys rely on the mess facilities on campus. R Sai Ram ...
The students had consumed a meal consisting of potato and cauliflower curry, rice, rotis, and dal for dinner at the hostel mess. Around 11 pm, many students began falling ill, with some ...