But the bird, who was none the wiser, probably wasn’t sure if he’d ever see his partner — the female swan he shared his life with — again. TWC rescuers quickly located the source of the ...
A swan has died weeks after a vicious dog attack at Brodie Castle. Franky the swan, named by the SSPCA, was rescued from a ...
The female swan was one of a pair found by rescuers at Beddington Park in Sutton, south London, on Sunday morning, with an X-ray finding she had been shot in the head with a ball bearing.
A "disgusting" attack saw a female swan shot in the head with a catapult slingshot. Rescuers from The Swan Sanctuary arrived at Beddington Park in Sutton, South London, on Sunday morning (February 16) ...
They say a classical ballet isn’t over until the female protagonist dies. Tchaikovsky’s popular 1870s Swan Lake is a prime ...
A "disgusting" attack saw a female swan shot in the head with a catapult slingshot. Rescuers from The Swan Sanctuary arrived at Beddington Park in Sutton, South London, on Sunday morning (February ...