We're all familiar with bright red fire hydrants, the color of which has become synonymous with them, fire trucks, and the hats many fire ... firefighters about the hydrant, particularly the ...
Following is a transcript of the video. What do fire hydrant colors mean? Certain colors are meant for different types of fires. Each color represents a different GPM or Gallons Per Minute.
Children throughout the city are being recruited by the Salamanca Fire Department for a responsibility essential to the ...
“There was a vehicle blocking a fire hydrant, slowing down the fire apparatus’ ability to connect to the hydrant,” Daughtry said. “We’re asking all New Yorkers to please be mindfu ...
During a Thursday afternoon press conference, FDNY Deputy Mayor Kaz Daughtry said a vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant near the scene slowed down firefighters' ability to access water.
BLACK JACK, Mo. — A popular Black Jack bar and grill is temporarily closed after a fire caused significant damage to the building early Friday morning. The freezing temperatures made the battle ...