The film's producer and editor, who lived near to Menon and her co-writer husband, also lost their house, just days after sending the final cut to Sundance. "The four of us really lost everything ...
Meera Menon's Didn't Die opens without specifying what kind of outbreak has set the world in isolation. The parallels with the Covid-19 pandemic here is instant, and surely enough, one of the ...
HT at Sundance | Meera Menon's take on the overused genre is fresh, and has interesting ideas on dealing with loss and community amid a dystopian reality. Read the full story here Read the full ...
This low-budget thriller, written and directed by Meera Menon and edited by Geoff Boothby ... useful is the speed change hotkey (⌘+R). I do use it for speed changes, but more often I use ...