According to “Shoku Nihongi,” the imperially commissioned history text on the Nara Period, Emperor Shomu (701-756) observed an event held on the south side of the gate. The Ministry of Land ...
The Shuni-e ritual, held annually since 752 during the Nara period (710-794), marks its 1,274th edition this year. During the training, 11 priests known as the "rengyoshu" seclude themselves in the ...
Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784. During this period the framework of national government was consolidated and Nara enjoyed great prosperity, emerging as the fountainhead of Japanese ...
NARA--Much like today ... Unglazed dishes had also been used for large meetings and events attended by monks and farmers since the Kamakura Period (1185-1333). But it became common to simply ...