We’ve also included a Puerto Rico road trip map of all of our recommended stops ... will make you feel like you’re outside the United States. Street signs are in Spanish and the gas stations ...
The temblor happened at 10:34 a.m. Atlantic time about 4 miles southwest of Tallaboa, Puerto Rico, data from the agency shows ...
The island has a nonvoting member of Congress but no voting representatives or senators, as states have. Puerto Rico has given its residents the opportunity to express their opinion on the island ...
Puerto Rico sits in the Caribbean, between the Dominican Republic and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with the Caribbean Sea to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. Although the island is small ...
The same referendum procedure last occurred in the 1950s, when the people of Alaska and Hawaii were asked whether they wanted to become US states. Until 1898, Spain ruled Puerto Rico ...
Explore America and discover people, places, art, and other items related to Puerto Rico in the Smithsonian’s growing digitized collections. Held in trust for the American people, the Smithsonian’s ...