Tamil actor Vishal attended a promotional event of his film, Madha Gaja Raja, despite a high fever. His hands trembled while holding the mic. The video is now going viral, with fans expressing concern ...
Morocco Premier League Raja Casablanca Olympic Safi live score and match summary are on Yeni Åžafak Sports. Probable lineups for Raja Casablanca Olympic Safi match, goals in the match, and the final ...
Tamil TV actor Sathya Raja and his wife Rajeshwary are expecting their third child, sharing joyful pregnancy photos on social ...
CAF Champions League Raja Casablanca Maniema Union live score and match summary are on Yeni Åžafak Sports. Probable lineups ...
Actor Vishal delighted fans by dancing at a live concert, a video of which went viral. His film 'Madha Gaja Raja' was ...
Sundar C's 'Madha Gaja Raja', released on January 12 after a 12-year delay, emerged as a box office hit. During the success ...
Director Sundar C's Madha Gaja Raja, which was delayed by 12 years, turned out to be a blockbuster. The Vishal-starrer ...
Madha Gaja Raja is getting released on the occasion of ... He was shivering because of a high fever. Fans became worried when they saw this. Vishal is known for his dedication and professionalism.