Ultra Ego might not just be a power-up, it could be Beerus' masterplan to prepare Vegeta as his successor and become the God ...
While this is no longer too important, as they both possess their own unique transformations in the form of Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego ... Goku's universe-saving Spirit Bomb.
Vegeta and Gohan have both unlocked incredible ultimate forms, but which one would come out on top in a fight between them?
With Goku and Vegeta each unlocking their Divine Techniques, how would a fight between their perfected versions look like?
On the cover, the shonen series sees Ultra Instinct Goku, Super Saiyan Broly, Ultra Ego Vegeta, Gohan Beast, and Orange Piccolo side-by-side. While the final chapters from Akira Toriyama did focus ...