Set in 1976, writer-director Bryn Chainey’s Rabbit Trap follows a couple (Dev Patel and Rosy McEwen) who decide to move to a ...
Ricky follows the travails of its title character (Stephan James), who has just been released from prison at age 30, as he ...
When André Ricciardi received the cancer diagnosis that would eventually kill him, he decided he wanted to make a movie ...
In Rabbit Trap, a musician and her husband find their outsider status in a remote Wales town amplified when their music ...
This is the subject of director and cinematographer Gianluca Matarrese’s film GEN_, premiering in the World Cinema: ...
Prime Minister, premiering in the 2025 Sundance Film Festival’s World Cinema Documentary Competition, is co-director Lindsay ...
Films are made over many days, but some days are more memorable, and important, than others. Imagine yourself in ten years ...
In East of Wall, writer-director Kate Beecroft trains her camera on Tabatha Zimiga, who runs a ranch for wayward teenagers ...
Premiering in the festival’s NEXT section, this hybrid film from filmmaker Kate Beecroft follows Tabitha, a horse trainer who ...
Films are made over many days, but some days are more memorable, and important, than others. Imagine yourself in ten years ...
Italian director Gianluca Matarrese centers his latest film on Dr. Bini, who oversees in vitro and gender-affirming care ...
We wanted to convey the feeling that something dangerous is always lurking just beneath the surface. In Florida, lax gun ...