Three multi-billion dollar proposals have been put on the table for the next home of the Chicago Bears. Here's a look at how ...
A South Side landlord is testing how buzzy Bronzeville has become by listing two apartment buildings for $225,000 per unit.
The developer put pictures with its pitch for an NFL stadium and entertainment district at the former Michael Reese hospital ...
It’s one more Hail Mary attempt to keep the Chicago Bears in the city and have them ditch their suburban plans.
While Mayor Brandon Johnson has backed the team's pursuit of a new Museum Campus stadium, development and park groups are ...
Scott Goodman of Farpoint Development hasn't met with the Bears about his plan for a lakefront Bronzeville dome, but he's ...
Farpoint Development has revealed renderings of its pitch for a new Chicago Bears stadium on the former Michael Reese ...
In April, the Bears released plans for a new state-of-the art stadium on the lakefront next to Soldier Field, their current home. The Bears still own the $197 million 326-acre site in Arlington ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- There's a new player emerging in the Chicago Bears effort to move into a new Lakefront stadium. Chicago's Farpoint Development released new renderings for a potential Bronzeville ...
Farpoint Development has unveiled new renderings for a Chicago Bears stadium on the former Michael Reese Hospital site.
"As we continue our infrastructure work on the Bronzeville Lakefront site, we would love to make it home to the Chicago Bears, but regardless, we will continue the work needed to make it Chicago ...
In Chicago, there are endless adventures and experiences for little explorers and adults alike all neatly laid out in this ...