A 3D Rubik's Cube simulation and solver for 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 cubes. Implemented a popular blindfolded solving method used by competitive speed cubers. Added functionality to solve and manually turn ...
QTMY Color Plastic Irregular 3x3x3 Square Mirror Speed Magic Cube Puzzle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JPDXM16/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_HyHQuflpWntCh D-FantiX Moyu Aolong ...
However, to compete at the top level, you’ll have to train hard. Speed cubers can solve a 3×3 cube in under ten seconds these days, after all. [aaedmusa] was a long way off that speed ...
Students in Madison County had blocks on the brain Friday. Second through eighth grade gifted students gathered at Madison ...
[Matt] recently learned both how to solve a Rubik’s cube and the basics of an Arduino. Putting the two together, he decided to try his hand at making an automatic Rubik’s Cube solver!