Portland-based supernatural cop drama “Grimm” aired in 2011 and ran for six seasons on NBC before ending in 2017. Here's what ...
The supernatural police procedural is back on a new skin on Peacock, helmed by the creator of 'Drop Dead Diva.' ...
Peacock is developing a reboot of the 2011 NBC series Grimm, sources tell Deadline. Drop Dead Diva creator Josh Berman is writing the new take, which he is executive producing with the original ...
However, to the delight of fans, more streaming services are now picking up older shows and giving them a reboot. Fans of the Portland-based show "Grimm" can now rejoice that the iconic series is ...
A Grimm reboot is officially in the works at Peacock. Deadline reports the creator of the original NBC drama is set to return in a production capacity. Currently, not a whole lot is known about ...