The discovery of the tomb seven meters (23 feet) underground at the ancient necropolis of Anubis Mountain was announced by ...
The burial chamber for the unnamed ruler was found in January in a sacred city where little is known about its ancient ...
An international team of archeologists have discovered a massive tomb that belonged to one of ancient Egypt ’s earliest ...
The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the royal tomb of an unknown king who ruled the region during a tumultuous time 3,600 ...
Researchers discovered a royal tomb that is over 3,600 years old in Abydos, Egypt. The entryway of the tomb was decorated ...
Addressing White House iftar dinner, Trump thanks Muslims for backing him in November, says US will start ‘filling out ...
The banner year that started when Thutmose II's final resting place was identified in February near the Valley of the Kings ...
The tomb, buried more than 20 feet underground in the Mount Anubis necropolis, was carved in the waning days of Egypt’s ...
A royal tomb from a little-known dynasty and Greek language writings on pottery are among the latest archaeological ...