Wilson to play the iconic superspy in Casino Royale, but ultimately ended up advocating for Daniel Craig instead of fighting for the part. "I've met with Barbara Broccoli just through passing ...
That's $196.3 million over the initial budget projection. Angelina Johnson, PUD deputy treasurer, said that may be a short-term advantage, though. “We’re seeing that the wholesale prices ...
A planned unit development (usually referred to as a PUD) is an area of land to be developed under unified control or under a unified plan of development for a number of dwelling units, commercial, ...
Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use ...
Signatory - A Tezos Remote Signer for signing block-chain operations with private keys using YubiHSM, AWS, GCP, Ledger's or Azure Key Vault ...
New leadership is ready to step into the Associate Dean role at the UW Tacoma Library, bringing a vision of ...