Set foot on a magical island and explore a whimsical small open world as Ila, a spirited young witch-in-training searching for her lost kitty, Coco.
The International Longshoremen’s Association expects to shortly take the next steps toward ratifying a new contract with East ...
Indie game developer and publisher Magic Rain Studios have released a new free demo and trailer for their upcoming game ILA: A Frosty Glide, as they are looking to crowdfund the game. The latest ...
A Frosty Glide trailer for the upcoming cozy adventure game. A Kickstarter campaign for ILA: A Frosty Glide is available now. Ila is a curious and kind witch-in-training about to embark on the ...
According to various news reports, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) will return to the negotiating table on Jan. 7 as the deadline ...
Representing the union were ILA president Harold Daggett and his son Dennis, who is executive vice president of the ILA, and Virgil Moldonado, president of the NY/NJ chapter of the ILA 1588.