In the show, the main characters work for Lumon Industries. The team members have all undergone a severance procedure that separates their work and personal memories. They go to work each day and work ...
Severance' creator Dan Erickson breaks down Season 2, Episode 1, including Helly's lie, that Gemma tease and the new child ...
There’s a popular fan theory that ties Lumon with water. The logo is a water drop, all of the files share names with bodies of water, there is a painting of Kier Eagan overlooking the lakes ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook visited the severed floor of Lumon Industries. Before exiting the elevator, Cook’s “severed” self grinned mischievously, walking the long white hallways to meet Mr. Seth ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook has become Lumon’s newest employee in a promotional ... “Severance Season 2” followed by the Apple TV+ logo with the words, “Now Streaming.” In a Friday post on ...
In the episode, directed by Ben Stiller, Lumon employees watch a video titled “Lumon Is Listening,” which expertly mocks the kind of corporate-talk nonsense we’re all likely subject to in ...
As seen in the video below, Turturro, who plays Irving in creator Dan Erickson’s drama about the disturbing inner workings of Lumon Industries, shows up in the final minutes of the Milan Fashion ...
The way the final distorted face remains reflected in the water during the scene transition is all kinds of foreboding. Whoever put this together at Lumon was not aiming to deliver comfort whatsoever.