The Dow Jones Industrial Average skidded further Friday afternoon as the major stock indexes felt the brunt of looming tariffs that will hit some imports on Saturday. Meanwhile, early gains for Apple ...
Wall Street’s fear gauge jumped higher Friday afternoon as tariffs fears hit the U.S. stock market. The Cboe Volatility Index, which trades under the ticker symbol VIX, was up more than 6% in ...
The S&P 500 and Dow were slightly lower on Friday, with indexes losing ground in afternoon trading after the White House said ...
Tariff worries were weighing on the U.S. stock market Friday afternoon, with the Nasdaq Composite clinging to gains while the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average fell. “I did not expect President ...
Many of Costco Wholesale's employees in the U.S. are getting a raise. The retailer raised by $1 the pay of its top-of-scale employees, with clerks now set to make to $31.90 per hour and assistants' to ...
The Dow was falling Friday after the White House said tariffs begin on Saturday. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq were rising. The market also reacted to PCE inflation data.
"You can see the Dow off more than 200 points. If you pop up the big board, John, you'll see right about the time she confirmed that these will begin tomorrow" ...