A recent Supreme Court verdict extending no-construction zones along the banks of major rivers in the Kathmandu Valley has ...
After years of delays, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) will soon meet for the first time to discuss ...
Permits granted for the construction of an industrial mining project in northern Colombia are raising concerns among ...
Brazil’s National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT) submitted to the Federal Regional Court of the 1st ...
A pioneering law under attack The world’s governments have long acknowledged the need to halt and reverse the loss of the ...
Excavators have begun clearing land in the Indonesian region of Papua in what’s been described as the largest deforestation ...
At least 621 people have been killed and thousands more displaced by floods around Lake Chad, which sits at the border region ...
Plastic waste is a global problem, and the food sector is one of its main drivers. It only takes a quick visit to a ...
In mid-2023, the Caribbean Sea simmered as air temperatures soared, marking the hottest days ever recorded in Puerto Rico and ...
This is the second of a two-part story. Part one deals with aluminum and steel impacts; Part two explores circular solutions.
On a sunny Wednesday in August, police officer Loreto Malon and a subordinate were riding their motorcycles in the mountain ...
For two years, a volunteer organization in eastern Sierra Leone worked to encourage residents of Kenema district to plant ...