The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has collaborated with key data users to enhance the Monthly Household Spending Indicator (MHSI) and better address their needs. Based on user feedback, ...
This publication presents estimates of the value of turnover of retail trade for Australian businesses. This includes all employing retail trade businesses who predominantly sell to households. The ...
The seasonally adjusted balance on goods decreased $1,707m in December. Goods credits (exports) rose $471m (1.1%) driven by Metal ores and minerals. Goods debits (imports) rose $2,177m (5.9%) driven ...
Final consumption of goods and services by Australian households Guided by the UNSD’s COICOP classification and aligned with National Accounts HFCE categories and concepts Participating banks send ...
construction of new buildings alterations and additions to existing buildings non-structural renovation and refurbishment installation of integral building fixtures full demolitions of existing ...
The quarterly PPI measures the change in prices of goods and services in Australia as they leave or enter the production process. More details on scope of each index can be found under Indexes ...
1.2 million people (aged 18-75) without a (paid) job wanted a job, with 1 million available to start within 4 weeks. The most common reason for both men and women who wanted a job were unavailable to ...
The monthly CPI indicator is a general measure of price change for goods and services purchased by Australian households. Prices are collected for a range of goods and services (the CPI basket) from a ...
Export price index rose 3.6% this quarter and fell 8.6% through the year. Import price index rose 0.2% this quarter and fell 1.9% through the year.
Languages used at home data is based on place of usual residence Households where a non-English language is used is based on place of enumeration Note 1: Calculated percentages represent a proportion ...