Five-year-old capesize prices remain above $60m, a level not seen in almost 15 years, according to MSI. Prices for older ...
Petrochem General Management has sold the first in a string of four product tankers acquired in the past two years ...
Freight rates on the USA-Asia route have also dropped to $80 per tonne, from $110 per tonne since last week, despite the ...
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) is poised to expand its bulging orderbook with a fresh newbuilding deal for 10 ...
Emerging carbon capture and storage sector will need to shift ‘massive’ volumes of waste CO2 creating a new shipping sector ...
John Fredriksen’s Golden Ocean Group is reported to have sold one of its oldest bulkers at a price that appears to lock in a ...
Santos is the largest terminal operator in Brazil. It owns three container terminals in Brazil as well as a vehicle and a ...
Some evidence of that begins transpiring, with US brokers reporting that Indian steel giant ArcelorMittal has obtained a ...
Interim guidelines for the use of ammonia as a fuel have been finalised by a sub-committee working group at the International ...
Reinsurance costs for the major protection and indemnity clubs are set to rise by up to 20% because of the ...
“The psychology has been positive. There has been an extreme appetite for high-yield bonds.” With a strong inflow of capital ...
The top management of John Fredriksen-backed Flex LNG offloaded shares worth around $3.9m last week. Chief executive Oystein ...