Jesus’ Spirit” vs. “the Spirit of Jesus” | CARM Forums
Jan 11, 2024 · The Scriptures describe how Yahweh would accomplish his plan. In an instant, transcendent Yahweh (called God the Father) created the supernatural and spacetime of this universe and also became immanent in the universe as spirit (called the Spirit of God) and as a human with a glorious body (called the Son of God).
I am updating my overview by using "person/people" rather than …
Feb 25, 2024 · In discussions with Trinitarians in the past, I defined "a person" as "a spirit or human being". But from now on, I will use the Dictionary.com definitions... a living soul: a person a person: a human being, whether an adult or child So Yahweh God is the eternal spirit who also became incarnate as a person, the man Christ Jesus.
What do YOU believe about Jesus' human spirit? | CARM Forums
Nov 17, 2020 · Yes Jesus' body was born, it was visible, and died on the cross, but His spirit has always been and will continue to be invisible, immortal and eternal. The Bible says a whole human consists of a human spirit, a human soul, and a human body... 1 Thessalonians 5:23... And the very God of peace...
That God was Jesus the incarnated Son of the father in human flesh!
Jul 12, 2022 · GOD is spirit and is the only one who is eternal. GOD is also in the universe as spirit and as a human. GOD in the universe as spirit is called the Spirit of God, GOD in the universe as a human is called the Son of God, and eternal GOD is called God the Father.
Was God’s Death Actually A Requirement For Salvation??
Nov 23, 2024 · And when the spirit leaves the body the person is dead. A human spirit isn’t alive in its own. If that’s the case then I’m Gen. 2:7 Adam was alive before his spirit was breathed into his body. That wasn’t Samual. Sad that you have to resort to a passage about necromancy to try and prove your false beliefs. I will be resurrected on the ...
GOINGS FORTH” | Page 5 | CARM Forums
Mar 17, 2024 · A antichrist is also a spiritual underlying condition in a person's human spirit. Because that antichrist begins working in people on a spiritual level. Spiritually this causes a person to touch in agreement with that certain realities and understood as a continuous denial confession (self-proclaimed denials) or to say the same open denials to ...
Paradise / Spirit Prison / Heaven | Page 6 | CARM Forums
Nov 28, 2024 · Now, back to John 4. Smith taught that HF was an exalted man of flesh and bones, but Jesus says OF HIS FATHER that "God is SPIRIT." Read the context. He was talking about His Father, not Himself. So, HF IS SPIRIT, not flesh and bones. Jesus Christ is certainly human and possesses a glorified body of flesh and bones that will never see decay.
Did Jesus have a "human will" when he wrestled Jacob?
Mar 23, 2024 · 2) God/Jesus did not have a human will when He wrestled Jacob, except knowing the intentional decisions that a human would make. Click to expand... Since “as a man” would include “the mindset of a man”, your answers are 1=NO, 2=NO.
Did Jesus raise Jesus from the dead or did God raise Jesus?
Dec 22, 2023 · Very cleary Paul tells us in the above that the perishable and mortal human spirit must cloth itself in an imperishable and immortal body and only then shall death be swallowed up in the Victory of eternal life. Paul says the very same thing in different wording in …
ReVisionism: Redefining the “Foolishness” of God to Suit the …
Mar 2, 2025 · So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. 13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who ...