Ellis Island | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
Visitors can tour the Main Building of the former immigration complex, which is now home to the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration. A world class experience, the Museum is home …
National Immigration Museum | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
The Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration is a living monument to the story of the American people. Housed inside the restored Main Building of the former immigration complex, the …
Overview + History | Ellis Island - Ellis Island Foundation
The new facility on Ellis Island began receiving immigrants on January 1, 1892. Annie Moore, a teenage girl from Ireland, accompanied by her two younger brothers, made history as the very …
Mission + History | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
When the Island opened to the public in September of 1990 – two years ahead of schedule – it unveiled the world-class Ellis Island Immigration Museum. The Foundation went on to restore …
Unforgotten: Ellis Island | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
The latest installment in Asis’s award-winning documentary mini-series, Unforgotten: Ellis Island, reflects on the extraordinary significance of Ellis Island and its impact on our history, memory, …
Visit | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
Visitors to Ellis Island are given a unique view of American history. Beautifully restored to its peak operating period, the main building allows park-goers to step into Ellis Island travelers’ shoes …
Ellis Island Restoration at 33 - The Statue of Liberty
This month marks the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of Ellis Island. In the mid-1980s, The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation initiated the monumental task of restoring Ellis – at …
Wall of Honor History | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
For three decades, the structures on Ellis Island stood abandoned, including the 100,000 square-foot main building where more than 12 million immigrants first stepped foot into America to …
Mar 28, 2024 · restoration and preservation of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for their respective centennials. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation restored the Main …
Immigration Museum 30th Anniversary | Statue of Liberty & Ellis …
Ellis Island was America’s first federal immigration depot. Located in New York Harbor just beyond Liberty Island, “The Golden Door” welcomed immigrants and visitors from around the …