Executive clemency files are compiled and maintained to assist the President in exercising his constitutional pardon power and are routinely made available to him, members of his staff, and other government officials concerned with clemency proceedings.
Provide a complete and detailed account of the offense(s) for which you seek pardon. Provide your own version of the factual circumstances of the offense(s), including the date and location.
Executive clemency files are compiled and maintained to assist the President in exercising his constitutional pardon power and are routinely made available to him, members of his staff, and other government officials concerned with clemency proceedings.
Sep 5, 2024 · If you are requesting pardon of a court-martial conviction only, you should submit your completed petition directly to the Secretary of the military department that had original jurisdiction in your case.
The Prisoner Review Board looks for certain things in a petition for executive clemency. The Guidelines for Executive Clemency give more detailed information on what you must include.
Executive clemency files are compiled and maintained to provide for the exercise of the President's constitutional pardon power and are routinely made available to him, members of his staff and other officials concerned with clemency proceedings.
Sep 7, 2020 · The Board's clemency guidelines are forwarded to every person who submits a request, either by telephone, mail or e-mail, or by accessing the Board's website at prb.Illinois.gov under the Executive Clemency link.
APPLICATION FOR PARDON Complete this application form to request a pardon of your New York State convictio. (s) from the Governor. A pardon is a form of clemency that can provide relief for some or all of the consequences of. a criminal conviction. You can find additional information about applying for clemency at: https://www.ny.gov/s.
PETITION FOR EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY INSTRUCTIONS: All questions must be answered in full and printed legibly in ink or typed. In the event that this form does not provide sufficient space for any answer, attach additional sheets and number your answer accordingly.