Overview of Geological Structures Part 2: Folds, Faults, and ...
An anticline fold is convex up: the layered strata dip away from the center of the fold (if you drew a line across it, the anticline would resemble a capital letter “A”). A syncline is a concave upward …
13.3 Fractures, Joints, and Faults - University of Saskatchewan
Some large faults, like the San Andreas fault in California or the Tintina fault, extending from northern British Columbia through central Yukon and into Alaska, show evidence of hundreds …
Exercises on Geological Structures Part 2: Folds, Faults, and ...
Oct 18, 2020 · In Part 2 of geological structures, students will learn how to interpret more complex geological structures generated by folding and faulting. Name: _______________
Overview of Geological Structures Part 1: Strike, Dip, and Structural ...
Jan 8, 2020 · Geological maps take practice to understand, because three-dimensional features (including complex features such as folds) are displayed on a two-dimensional surface.
Part 2: Folds, Faults, and Unconformities Adapted by Karla Panchuk, Joyce M. McBeth, & Lyndsay R. Hauber (2018) University of Saskatchewan from Deline B, Harris R & Tefend K. …
Chapter 8. Geological Structures – Introductory Physical Geology ...
Structural geology is the subfield of geology in which scientists study the relationships between geological structures (such as folds and faults) and the processes (such as plate tectonics) …
13.4 Mountain Building - University of Saskatchewan
In ocean-continent collision zones, folding and faulting of rocks combines with volcanism to build mountains. An example of mountains built this way is the Sierra Nevada mountain range in …
13.2 Folds - University of Saskatchewan
If the limbs slope toward the hinge zone (i.e., the hinge zone points downward), as in the fold in the left of Figure 13.11, the fold is called a syncline. If the limbs slope away from the hinge …
Exercises on Geological Structures Part 1: Strike, Dip, and …
Next: Overview of Geological Structures Part 2: Folds, Faults, and Unconformities
13.5 Measuring Geological Structures - University of Saskatchewan
Strike and dip are used to describe any other planar features, including joints, faults, dykes, sills, and even the foliation planes in metamorphic rocks. Figure 13.37 shows an example of how …