Holes (novel) - Wikipedia
Holes is a 1998 young adult novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. The book centers on Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a …
Holes: Full Book Summary - SparkNotes
Stanley Yelnats, a boy who has bad luck due to a curse placed on his great- great-grandfather, is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention camp, for a crime he did not commit. Stanley …
Holes (Holes Series): Louis Sachar, Vladimir Radunsky, Bagram ...
May 9, 2000 · The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and …
Holes (Holes, #1) by Louis Sachar - Goodreads
Aug 20, 1998 · Holes (Holes, #1), Louis Sachar Holes is a 1998 young adult mystery comedy novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Stanley …
Holes by Louis Sachar Plot Summary - LitCharts
Get all the key plot points of Louis Sachar's Holes on one page. From the creators of SparkNotes.
Holes: Study Guide - SparkNotes
Holes by Louis Sachar, published in 1998, is a captivating young adult novel that intertwines mystery and adventure. The story follows Stanley Yelnats, who, due to a wrongful accusation, …
Holes: (Newbery Medal Winner; National Book Award Winner)
Jun 26, 2018 · In this wonderfully inventive, compelling novel that is both serious and funny, Louis Sachar weaves a narrative puzzle that tangles and untangles, until it becomes clear that the …
Holes Study Guide | Literature Guide - LitCharts
The best study guide to Holes on the planet, from the creators of SparkNotes. Get the summaries, analysis, and quotes you need.
Holes Kindle Edition
Jun 1, 2011 · Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the National Book Award, HOLES is a New York Times bestseller and one of the strongest-selling middle-grade books to ever hit shelves! …
Holes - Louis Sachar - Google Books
Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the National Book Award, HOLES is a New York Times bestseller and one of the strongest-selling middle-grade books to ever hit shelves!...