what is the typical somali look? | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
Feb 15, 2018 · The majority of Somalis have pretty much similar facial features, such as narrow-average noses, dark, curly hair, upper black lip lower black lip etc, however each Somali degan has something that's unique-ish to them or is typically associated with that region(i.e height, skin colour, hair type etc)
What kind of hair texture do you have? - Somali Spot
Jan 18, 2019 · I think Somalis (and Horn Africans in general) have the most diverse hair types in the entire world. You can get people with straight/wavy hair, curly hair, and of course a more kinky hair texture. What kind do you have? I personally think …
I think everyone geniunely hates black/dark skinned people
Feb 1, 2025 · In my limited experience when it comes to Yemenis in the west if they know you are Somali and you speak a bit of Arabic they'll really treat you as some kind of cousin, in their country it's probably different a less warm but all the Yemenis I've met have been like this
Who were the People of Punt? | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
Dec 15, 2024 · There was no such thing as Somali, Oromo, Amhara etc, 4,000 years ago, which is why it's especially cringe when Somalis claim it as if we're the sole heirs to it. Based on current academic research, the Land of Punt is most strongly correlated with the Gash Group Civilization, located in the southeastern Sudan and northern Eritrea region.
How many half Somali people do you know? What are they mixed …
Sep 2, 2024 · I’ve just realized, that I know quite a few mixed Somali people lol. I’m just curious to know what other mixes are out there. These are the people I know: Half French (cousin) Half Afar (cousin) Half Brazilian (cousins) Half Singaporean Chinese (also cousins, loool) Half Comorian (maternal grandmother) Half Malagasy (uncle/aunt’s husband)
In scale in 1-10 how often do people say you look Somali?
Jan 27, 2024 · They automatically know that I am Somali. The only other countries that I've ever gotten is Eritrean or Ethiopian. Even when it comes to Somalis, I always have Somali uncles approaching me because I have that typical Somali look. Sometimes I wish I never looked like a typical Somali just to be more undercover.
Somali people in Minnesota | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
Aug 3, 2021 · Somali people in Minnesota can be divided into a certain number of categories, I'll probably miss a few but here I go Number 1: The old people Does not speak a lick of English despite living in Minnesota for like 15 years, scolds you for not speaking Somali if you don't speak it, usually promotes Clannism and others things.
Who were the Harla People and what is their relation to Somalis?
Jul 18, 2023 · a distant relative of mine is harla koombe hes from gursum somali galbeed. he told me we were always somali they claim somali darood. they live with geris they are still pretty much around. recently French reserchers went to djibouti & found a harla koombe family they interviewed them, the abo of the harla koombe family showed them 16th century ...
Who were the Harla People and what is their relation to Somalis?
Mar 28, 2024 · Xarla/Xarale are Somali words it has a meaning in Somali. It is really an open and shut case. I guess you believe the Imam was some random unknown group as well. Our people had the same practice as the Arabs before industrialisation- despite being the same ethnic group a settled Somali wouldn't call himself a Somali it was a label for nomads only.
why are Somalis obsessed with Ethiopians and Sudanese people?
Feb 6, 2024 · Somalis have every right to be mad at Ethiopians after all what Ethiopia did to Somalia and the Somali people. (Annexation of Ogaden and genocidal invasion of Somalia and Ogaden by the Ethiopian army from 2006-2018) and the war crimes( extrajudicial killings, rapings, massacres at the Mogadishu mesjid in 2008, the burning of villages in Galbeed ...