Unable to Use Barbershop on One or More Characters
Unable to Customize Druid Travel, Flight, or Aquatic Form in the Barber Shop. What to do if you can't customize your Druid forms in the Barber Shop. Unable to Access Season of Mastery Realms. Information about Season of Mastery realms
TCG Codes in WoW Classic - Blizzard Support
WoW Classic Trial Version. Information on accessing WoW Classic. World of Warcraft Character Clone. Information about the character clone service in WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic. Would Like to Pay for Classic WoW Game Time Only. Information about how game time works for Classic WoW and the current expansion
Did Not Receive Rewards For The WoW and D4 Cross-Promotion
Jan 7, 2025 · The Diablo IV and World of Warcraft cross-promotion is over. If you missed the promotion, Customer Support cannot assist.
Can't Start Quest - The Anvil-Thane's Designs - Blizzard Support
The quest line to get the Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage mount and and weapon ensemble requires first obtaining the achievement Heritage of the Dark Iron. There was an issue where some characters on accounts which had completed the achievement still weren't able to start the quest The Anvil-Thane's Designs. This has now been fixed, please try again.
Glyph of the Chameleon Not Working As Expected
Using Glyph of the Chameleon will randomly choose one of the forms your druid unlocked. The forms must be unlocked first, otherwise the Glyph will simply give you always the default one. This is true for all of the following glyphs: Glyph of the Feral Chameleon; Glyph of the Ursol Chameleon; Glyph of the Aquatic Chameleon; Glyph of the Swift ...
Achievement not Granted - Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare
Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare [10-man | 25-man] requires you to have 25 Dark Rune Guardians killed with Razorscale's Flame Breath. Game Masters are unable to verify if you met the criteria, so if you did not earn the achievement you will have to try again.
Character Boost Did Not Boost Character - Blizzard Support
Our developers have fixed the issue that was causing this problem. Possessing a WoW token may prevent the boost from applying. If your character has a WoW token, you will need to consume or sell it on the Auction House then try again. If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug report.
Flying in World of Warcraft - Blizzard Support
All Modern World of Warcraft characters automatically learn the Expert Riding skill at level 30, allowing you to ride flying mounts in most locations.
Getting "Character Pacified" Message - Blizzard Support
If you receive a message stating that the character is pacified: Queue for and enter an arena skirmish or pet battle.
Can't Queue for Rated Battlegrounds/Arenas - Blizzard Support
Retail WoW : - You can queue for Rated Battlegrounds in part of a premade group. - You can solo queue for Rated Battlegrounds since 10.2 ( WoWhead) - You need to reach a minimum PvP item level to join the queue for Solo-Rated Battlegrounds. Cataclysm Classic : You will queue as a group for exactly 10 players.