Inter Milan - Detailed squad 24/25 - Transfermarkt
It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, contract duration and market value. It also contains a table with average age, cumulative market value and …
Inter Milan - Club profile - Transfermarkt
All information about Inter (Serie A) current squad with market values transfers rumours player stats fixtures news
Inter Milan - Next season's squad - Transfermarkt
This is the expected squad for the coming season. The list takes into account all players currently confirmed as new arrivals or returners. You can choose to display all players whose contacts …
Inter Milan - Squad statistics - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 25 ; Average age: 29.3 ; Foreigners: 18 72.0 %; National team players: 17; Stadium: Giuseppe Meazza 75.923 Seats; Current transfer record: €-75.91m +
Inter Milan - Squad by position - Transfermarkt
Current squad of the club Inter in the Serie A including an arrangement according to main position and side positions.
Inter Milan Primavera - Detailed squad 24/25 - Transfermarkt
Squad Inter Milan Primavera This page displays a detailed overview of the club's current squad. It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, contract duration …
Inter Milan - Squad number history - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 25 ; Average age: 29.3 ; Foreigners: 18 72.0 %; National team players: 17; Stadium: Giuseppe Meazza 75.923 Seats; Current transfer record: €-75.91m +
Inter Youth - Detailed squad 24/25 - Transfermarkt
This page displays a detailed overview of the club's current squad. It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, contract duration and market value. It …
Inter Milan - Players on loan - Transfermarkt
This statistics show the compact view of all current players of the club Inter who are on loan or loaned out.
Inter Milan - Foreign players from Spain - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 25 ; Average age: 29.4 ; Foreigners: 18 72.0 %; National team players: 18; Stadium: Giuseppe Meazza 75.923 Seats; Current transfer record: €-75.91m +